Introducing Novax

Novax an economy bot for discord that covers your every
need. Whether you want to provide prestige roles or items
for a Discord Server game to build atmosphere, this bot
is the one for you.
It is currently in beta, developed by me and @musicmaker.

Command List

    Check balance of you or a friend
    Beg for money!
    /botstats stats
    Pulls stats off bot
    /botstats ping
    Checks ping of bot
    Daily currency command
    Deposit into your account
    Give others money from your account
    Check your inventory
    Rob a user!
    Get subscription information
    Withdraw from your account
    Work for money!

Admin Command List

    /give item
    Gives item to player
    /modifybal add
    Adds money to user account
    /modifybal remove
    Removes money from user account
    /modifybal set
    Sets money to user account
    /setup economy currency
    Sets up the currency emoji
    /setup economy starting-balance
    Sets up starting balance to new members in your server
    Wipe a users account

Premium Command List

    This is used to add shop items
    Sets up a jackpot for currency!
    Sets up random drop currency ratio
    Access shop

Developer/Team info

Team Members:
To invite the bot to your server go to: Invite
To purchase premium go to: Purchase Premium