Welcome to NullIntended's portfolio! Here you can find information about NullIntended and his projects.
If you wish to connect with NullIntended, you must go to Discord and join his server.
Welcome to NullIntended's portfolio! Here you can find information about NullIntended and his projects.
If you wish to connect with NullIntended, you must go to Discord and join his server.
NullIntended is currently working on a few projects. He is working on a website, C# programs and Discord bots including Help Desk Hero and Novax.
He is actively learning new languages and always making rocket science occur during these projects as stated by many viewers/members of their discord.
NullIntended is also a YouTuber who makes videos on programming and other things.
He is currently working on a series called "Discord Bot Multi Guilded v14 using SQLite".
Currently, you can purchase a custom Discord bot service! You can find more info by joining Discord
Upon joining create a ticket under the "Purchase Services" button!